Friday, January 13, 2006


People aspire towards "higher" cultural forms and produce their identities accordingly – they want to be associated with those who are considered to be more developed intellectually and artistically and therefore tend to consume corresponding cultural products.

That's from wikipedia's "sociological" definition of "Taste" as described by Bourdieu. I came across it as I started opening tab after tab in Firefox (which I admit does not actually suck). Originally, I was trying to dip my toe into "Minima Moralia", and I wound up drifting off into the vastness of the internet. Little did I know that I would get a stern little internet talking-to about why I was reading minima moralia in the first place.
Frogs be damned, I'm still gonna read above my edu-socioeconomic status. Now what was that about the scandalousness of the economic state of affairs...

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