Saturday, January 28, 2006

transparency in my reporting.

Eh, why not? This is my Japanese language blog*.

I've been hesistant to post a link here because I suffer from the universal condition of all gaijin. A mixture of pride and self-conciousness about my language ability. There's always a sense of competition about Japanese for some people, me included. It's almost a knee-jerk reaction both to correct other gaijin's Japanese, and to loathe the gaijin that do it to me.

But if I keep carrying some sort of concealed shame about my linguistic shortcomings, I'm not gonna get past them.

*My studies are still very much a work in progress, so if you can read Japanese, I apologize for the terrible grammar and writing. The content is generally pretty awful too. I set myself a standard of 500 characters a day, so it's been a push to write as much as I can, more often than not. I also still don't have very much breathing room in terms of vocabulary. Very often, what I say is shaped by what I know how to say. If I were to say the same things in English they'd probably come out a lot differently. Still, enjoy.

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