My blog entries are likely to thin out a lot more from now on. After the previously mentioned crisis of confidence, I've decided to go back to working full-bore on my Japanese studies.
In the next couple of weeks I will know whether or not I passed the JLPT, but I already know that I didn't really deserve to. At the 1kyuu level, the test is supposed to prove that you can read a newspaper, and function in a Japanese university. To be honest I am quite sure that I can do neither. I've got a lot of work to do before I can read a book at an even remotely reasonable pace, and a lot more to do before I could ever dream of writing a proper paper in Japanese.
So I've turned back to my japanese blog. I set myself a goal of 500 characters a day, but that's a lot more than I had thought. For now, forcing myself to use 500 characters and not having a good reign on vocabulary means that I write insanely vapid crap (as opposed to what appears here?). Over time I hope to tune up my grammar, and vocab and write something that I don't mind providing a link to. For now, no link.
So content here is gonna dwindle. Probably.
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