Monday, January 23, 2006

streaming level two on keitais.

e*trade japan offers streaming level 2 market info on keitais as of today. Orders can be processed for as little as 472 yen. I thought amateur trading was easy and populist when I was with e*trade US in 99-2000. my mind = blown.

in other news, I am in the market and losing money as of today! w00t.

seems like I should mention that Horiemon got his ass hauled in today. It's not a matter of "if" any more, but how much, and how much will the investors have to bear? as though it were ever a matter of if... My overly optomistic take is still that this is the best for the market. If we had to spend a whole year worrying about this insignificant player, the market would stand to lose a lot more than if we put that unpleasantness behind us as soon as possible.
The market never favors democracy and freedom. This time too, the expedient and secretive courts are going to help out the economy. Seems like I should have some compunction about being in the market knowing that... maybe.

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