Saturday, January 28, 2006

shoot the fucker down

I was just reading an article about the new Japanese global imaging satellite, after another from a couple weeks ago about an international initiative to restrict the use of space to "peaceful uses".

So a thought occurs to me. America has expressed it's intentions again and again to build the "star wars" satellite defense system, to the loud objections of other countries. But if America were to decide to build it, there would be nothing to stop other countries to shoot it down during it deployment-phase. Meaning the project would have to be conducted in utter secrecy, without congressional or voter approval.

The president has been known to think of this "wartime" government system as granting him whatever power he desires to "combat terrorism". Is it possible that the deployment is underway already, or soon to be underway?

If that's the case, would the chinese and russians not have a reasonable case for shooting down american satellites, knowing that they could well be "dual use" satellites?

I have a feeling that if America doesn't straighten up and fly right, china, russia, and to some extent japan and europe as well could become involved in dangerous satellite sabotage and espionage.

That's just a thought though.

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