Thursday, January 12, 2006

spooky rural rituals.

I finished listening to "Diary" from Chuck Palahniuk last week. It wasn't really that good, but I've been hurting for entertainment a bit lately (note "staring. at the. ceiling."), so I've started listening to some of the zillion audiobooks I have. But that's beside the point.

The story was about one of those spooky rural communities and their spooky recurring rituals. The Lottery, and The Wicker Man are another couple in the rather large genre. It's a pretty fun genre too. Contrary to most literature it doesn't edify simple farm livin' over education and science...usually. When it does make a critique of enlightenment thinking, as in the case of The Wicker Man, it stays morally ambiguous.

Do these exist in Japan? It seems like there probably would be a few horror movies about this sort of thing. Being a ritual happy, countryside lovin' society with intimidating masks and drums and flutes and stuff it would be a pretty cool concept. Jeff! Get on it!

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