Monday, January 16, 2006

kiss iya

I'm watching a weasely-ass canadian dude trying to convince his japanese girlfriend that it's ok for him to cheat while he's in canada. A-ha! She didn't buy it, and under pressure he made a hurried vague semi-proposal. Things will not end well for these young lovers.

Note to Japanese women. If you're dating a gaijin dude and he doesn't really seem to be making any progress on understanding the language, and he does not understand japanese culture, he is not considering a future in Japan... or with you, most likely. He's dating you because you speak english, but are still the local flavor.
Please don't learn english for the men. They're not worth it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I live in Japan and I know exactly what you mean! Amen!
Some guys who come over here are such jerks. What I don't get are those people who live here for 10 years and say "I don't want to learn japanese. I don't need to. Hey Japanese should all learn english!" I mean really?

Anyway, thank you for saying this!