Tuesday, April 12, 2005

my brushes with fame.

I'm not into famous people.
But today, I'm gonna share my brushes with fame. Unless we count contact with the famous before conception (my dad was attending CalPoly at the same time as weird al), my brushes with fame have all come since landing in Japan, and have all been with celebrities much more minor than weird al.
First is having my face (and a link to this blog for a very short time) appear on avoidinglife, a popular, award winning, mentioned-in-time-magazine blog, cuz I am friend with 'ol jaime.
After that, it's only the previously eluded to conversations with momus, who is even more famous than jaime. He's a regular poster over at marxy's place. Marxy's also a musician, but probably less famous than jaime.

Oh, and I ate at nobu in new york a few years back, and cyndi lauper was two tables over, and iron chef japanese masaharu morimoto made us some food, and signed some autographs on the menu. I guess they're also more famous than Jaime too.


Anonymous said...

Someday I'll be more famous than that Momus guy, just you wait and see.

To add another level of complexity to the Weird Al connection, I once was within spitting distance of him at Toronto's HMV while he was doing an autograph session. I didn't line up for an autograph since I was too scared to speak with one of my biggest childhood idols.

ネイット said...

I kind of identify with weird al. He started off not really having any talent, but being made to feel successful. As time goes on, his success inexplicably continues, but deep down, in his weird little heart, he can't help but feel it's all a scam.

Weird al is a JET.