Wednesday, April 20, 2005

back to school

(I'll probably not be able to rip off this photo for long)

I just finished my first (abbreviated) week of school in the new school year. The jury is in, and it's official, I kind of like this week's school. It had the teacher I met at the rock show, and 99% genki happy-go-lucky students. I got all but one of the classes eating from my hand, and that one still liked me they just didn't "get" me.

Winter is all the way over now, so I rode my bike to and from school this week, straight through sakuragawa, the sakura-darake neighboorhood in Aomori shi. Not a single blossom has popped yet. I think theres a (distinctly) small pleasure in getting the blossoms after everyone else. The national extravaganza is already over, but we've still got the whole shebang to look forward to.

In unrelated news, the new pope is benedict XVI, right? Does he have to choose the name of a former pope? Or is he free to get silly and be pope robocop the first?

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