Friday, March 25, 2005


The web is getting all full up with these link based blogs, and for the most part they link other blogs that seem to be full up of the same sort of links. It seems the small guys find a good link, and the big guys (like boingboing or kottke or fark) come along and snap it up (or have it sent to them, I'm sure).
That seems like a fine way to get the links flowing honestly. Until the small guys then grab links from the big guys, filling their own linky blogs with 80% or so leftovers.
It makes polling the sites seem like a waste of time.

How to combat that? RSS! I switched my rss client over to sharpreader recently and have already filled it up with forty something rss feeds. Interglacial actually has a bunch of things on feed from sites that don't create their own rss feeds like McSweeney's the onion and get your war on.

Also a propos a linking discussion, my page... and while we're at it, my flickr page.

and that's that for links and talkin about them. I won't likely fill any future entry so fulla junk.

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