Thursday, June 29, 2006

just finished up that "why I want to live in Japan essay". It's supposed to be over 500 words, so I was shooting for 650... and only came up with 522 in the final product. Still it's pretty tight on the whole, and well organized and filled with action verbs.
Now it's time to cook up a new resume.

btw, take a guess at what age amity starts teaching children. (answer in the comments)


ネイット said...

they start at 5 months old. really.

Anonymous said...

My young friend. With your elegant writing, and your knowledge of Japanese, why don't you look into translation jobs?

Study + salary = wicked.

ネイット said...

would that it were so wicked... would that it were.

translation "jobs" complete with visa status are pretty rare, and (according to what I read "out there") subject to increasing competition for decreasing wages. I suppose I should give 'er a glance though.