Sunday, June 25, 2006

90 minutes of kicking ass, then ninety of making an ass of myself.

So, I had you hold your breath for me while I took the last* test. Sorry about making you inhale the night before.
Things went well... kind of. The test was in two parts. Part one, deduction and analysis went rather fantastically actually. I think I got either 32 or 35 points out of fifty (the answers are already posted online). The average on the first section (again, this is among Japanese graduates of Japanese colleges, aiming for Japanese Law Schools) is 27. In other words, I pwnzored it.
But when it came time for the second part, reading comprehension and expression, the pwnzorer became the pwnzored. Here, where the average is 28 pts, I managed either 10 or 12.

I hadnt expected much on the 2nd part, but I really thought I'd get over 15. It would have been nice as well to cross the 55points total threshhold. Had I managed that it certainly would have been helpful in the upcoming admissions process. I could have claimed that despite only studying the language for 3 years and change, I had outperformed the average law school hopeful. Now that's going to be, "I performed nearly as well as" the average law school hopeful. I find it lacks a certain punch.
The horrible score on the last part puts me in the awkward position of having to explain that I still kind of suck without an electronic dictionary handy. I'll probably also have to ask for some faith that the next 9 months before school starts is ample time for me to improve.
Due to the vagaries of the system, I'll probably be taking the same test again next year, even if I do get the scholarship and admission at a place to use it. My money's on a 78 next time.

*probably not really the last test.

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