Friday, June 03, 2005

My back hurts. Like an old man. At the rate that my body has decided to spontaneously age, I could well be the victim of tomb robbery by my 40th birthday, and having my bones examined by overzealous archeologists by my 50th.

I expect that by the time I reach retirement, people will be speculating whether my skull, the same capacity as modern man's, might indicate that I was intelligent, and potentially capable of using tools.

Also, tsukurimichi has a new kouchou... He seems very well kempt... And is also a talker.

For your stay, the back room is in damned fine shape, has an internet connected pc, futons a plenty and a rather comfortable couch. No tv, but eh, what's there to watch anyway?

Oh, and ample booze. Which sounds a little like ample boobs.


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