Monday, June 13, 2005

fucking with their minds.

I'm a clown style ALT. I make no bones about it. Given the chance I go for the laugh. Better to stir a little passion up in the classroom than leave not having made an impression, I say.

Sometimes this means I sacrifice a little bit of staid dignity in favor of acting stupid, but it's a lot better for me (and the kids, I dare say) to have me pull some buffonery than for me to act like Eric from Eigo de Asobou. He always sounds like he's talking to a retarded 2 year old.

In the name of differentiating myself from that weenie, I have taken to teaching the kids to say hi by contrasting his kimoi hhhhiiiIIIiiii!!! with a proper "hi". It's a great cheap laugh too. (other highlights from my classes include calling arnold schwarzenegger an idiot, and pantomiming all of the instruments I can't play, followed by the one I can "Taiko! tatsujin")

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