Wednesday, June 08, 2005

hatsu zaru

Ahhh.... zaru soba. Had my first zaru soba of the year today, and it was passable. I'm absolutely in love with the idea of zaru soba on a hot day, but it never really pans out the way you'd hope. Still, I will carry on as a zaru romantic, imagining that someday, with sweat pouring from my brow, I will stumble into the perfect sobayasan and order the ultimate zaru soba. My stomach as well as my soul will be sated.

Until then, I will eat zaru soba with sauce too watery, or simply not plentiful enough; with completely limp, flavorless noodles that clump on the serving tray into a hard to eat katamari of buckwheat, or barely enough noodles to build a pile at all; with wasabi too cheap to properly dissolve, and with no real kick; with negi that was cut hours before and has lost its zest. Yea, I will eat them, one and all, and I will smile, believe against the odds that the true zaru of zarus lies tucked away in the next back alley.

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