2006. Not only does it lack the phoenetic "ring" of any of the other years so far this millenium, it's the year of the dog. Of the 12 year-animals on the "chinese zodiac" (actually it's a little different in Japan), none is so lame as the dog. Don't believe me, check it for yourself.
2000 - Dragon
2001 - Snake
2002 - Horse
2003 - Ram, Sheep
2004 - Monkey
2005 - Bird
2006 - Stupid Dog
2007 - Pig, Boar
2008 - Mouse, Rat
2009 - Cow, Bull
2010 - Tiger
2011 - Rabbit
Still, I'm gonna try and make something of this lame-o inudoshi. Last year I had a singular goal of passing 1kyuu of the JLPT, and I think I managed it. This year, my singular goal is a little more clear. I want to be living in Tokyo by the end of October, and reasonably well-employed by the end of the year.
The other resolutions for 2006 are a little less concrete. In broad terms, I want to take several aspects of my life from "sufficient" to "good". Targets include, but aren't limited to: Japanese language ability (esp kanji), my body (and health), cooking, housekeeping, writing, budget living...
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