Thursday, October 20, 2005

a cold-blooded consumption machine

At times I think I'm different from most americans. All of these stereotypes that I've picked up from the states and germany and japan... who would want to be any of those? The worst, and most legitimate of the nasty american stereotypes is the incessant consumer. Eating, watching TV, buying electronics, using oil, laying waste to the world and consuming.

But that's me. The difference is neither one of quantity or of quality. I've jaunted here and there and learned a couple of languages. Hell, I've even learned a couple cultures pretty well by this point. What becomes of all of it though? In the end, I really feel like I just found new ways to consume food and tv and resources and time and people. I taught three classes today and spent the rest of the time somehow involved in media or food consumption.
It's not that that's a bad thing. Maybe having read harry potter in three languages is better than just one.

(strange blog entry, considering I'm not really so upset about anything. just feeling like I'm not putting out even a small percentage of what I take in. Witness my preempted japanese language blog with preciselt 2 entries.
Also, I got my first ever translation assignment... a student's speech on the komagome shishiodori.)

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