Monday, July 25, 2005

weak on theory, weak on practice, wrong for america

I have a collection of blogs I read on a regular basis, but only two and a half of them really give me something worth chewing on, rather than just some eye candy or titilation. The half is momus, because I disagree with him fundamentally quite often, and really don't give a damn about his hipster friends. Still, I'm glad he's there. The other's are eschaton and marxy, which I read respectively about US politics and japanese culture. All three have their own places, eschaton's an outlet for news and discussion, momus is a musing ground for a pretty fascinating feller, and marxy, well marxy's a little different. He's blogging like momus, to be sure, but I think there's a different feeling. He's got a broad, though relatively singular idea that he chasing down.

I am quite jealous of all three for the ways in which they exceed my own abilities as a human and a blogger.

There's a bit of a strange phenomenon that I see on all of the blogs though. Readers with diametrically opposed standpoints and opinions like to come around every now and again and spout off their own ideas on the message boards. Now when that's an open debate, it's a blast. But too often it's just "you don't know anything about anything". I don't get it. The commentor I was reading today really just seemed to hate everything about the site he was posting at, and make no assertions of his own.

makes me glad that the only comments I get are every six months from jaime.

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