Saturday, May 21, 2005

I get a lot of hits lately, and it's all for one thing... so now I'm going to mention that thing again, and assure that the hits keep rolling in. finalspoof. Hell, I'll even bump myself up a bit more... finalspoof updates.

Ah. Now that that's off my chest, I wanna give a very simple history lesson. This is something I should have had a much better grasp of, long long ago, so if it's painfully obvious, I'm sorry.

The new deal was FDRs plan to shore up a country reeling from the impact of the 29 crash, right. Well, the heart and soul of the new deal was that the government has the best interests of its people in mind, and thus a democratically elected government (especially beholden to the well-being of the people) will always be better suited to improving life for everyone than the laissez-faire capitalism that was directly responsible for the last decade of grief.
Ever since then, the us government republican or democrat has seen itself as directly responsible for the well being of the economy, and by proxy its people.

At the same time, the privately owned media began to be exploited as platform for industry to assert how they are the only ones really capable of making the lives of the working man better. So that's been the voice of the media for generation after generation, through a handful of wars, right down to today, and they've never blinked once.

All the interim presidents faced off against industry continually (at least publically) until Reagan, but the new guy... i think his name is bush... genuinely believes that private industry is better suited to serve the good of the people. Not only that, but perversely, he believes that industry is also well qualified to regulate itself in every regard.

So the new deal is not only rolled back, we're in an anit-new deal era. The protections that brought the American economy to the top of the heap, and american wages high enough to make us powerful, prosperous and fat are all gone. Of course the literal legislation of the new deal is being taken apart piece by piece, but the real thrust was demolished the minute our pro industry, anti government president was elected *cough*.

just had to string that together for myself.

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