Sunday, May 15, 2005

the goonies r good enough.

It's been a long time I shouldna left you, left you
without a dope beat to step to, step to.

That's how I'd say it if I were a ubiquitous hip-hop producer anyway. I'm not though. I'm just a dude who was really sick for a while, and then too "fake busy" to make a blog entry. Well those heady days are passed.

I back to reorganizing stuff on my computer, and wondering why I can't save any money. And that means it's time for a blog entry.

I had a short list of things that were kind of on my mind... like why I dislike zen, or the link between the japanese attitude toward tourism, service and sex; there was also some whining to do about my girlfriend. None of that feels salient right now though.

Right now, it's GTD. There's this little cult of organization and productivity floating around the technologically elite circles of the internet called "getting things done". As a procrastinator in the "I'll brush my teeth tomorrow" sense, I'm always up for a few words about how to actually get about it, and get some things ... um done. What I've gleaned from what I've read is that this stuff is geared toward people who have more stuff to do than time to do it.

Boy howdy, that ain't me. In fact, I'm not sure I'm capable of that kind of living. Even when I had a ridiculous course load (highest number of classes allowed ever at my school) for my last cramitallinatonce semester in college, I still found a lot of time to realize that I suck at RTS games... and Civ III as well.
I could easily double the number of hours I work in a week right now, and not feel particularly stressed. When I was working 90 hour weeks for a while before college, I was more bored than stressed. I'm not sure what it is, but I am a type B personality to the core. (and also have never had a job with all that much responsibility)

Still, Im playing around with this GTD stuff, and I'm thinking... maybe I can open up even more time for warcraft and renaming my mp3s. and make blog entries that won't even be fun to read.

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