Saturday, June 09, 2007

the balck fly in my chardonnay (whining and bitching presented in white on white)

so, I've got a brand new bag, right? I'm running down a little checklist in my mind, and I can't find a single way in which the new job won't be better than the old one.

but I'm feeling kind of bummered out over some other stuff. Because really, the better the overwhelming majority of my life goes, the more glaring the shortcomings are... and the more my internal excuses are revealed as hollow.
When you drill yourself with questions like "if not now, when?", and you still feebly produce worthless delay tactics, you begin to wonder. Am I even capable of doing what I want to? What on earth is holding me back?

Brother, I don't know. I haven't got a clue.

1 comment:

ネイット said...

dear nate,
I think I speak for the majority of readers when I say that we're pretty tired of the whining. get out there and live, and come back when you've got something to talk about.
