Friday, March 17, 2006

week in review. memo to myself.

This week started badly, and ended only slightly up from where it began.

My four day weekend was swallowed whole by the blob that took up residence in my nose. I spent four days with a head full of liquid that decided to vent itself without warning time and again.
On returning to work, I did the unadvisable and went back to bd. That site always does me in. All the boasting and pissing contests just remind me of how isolated I've gotten since my good friend jets left. That and how much I really am just "on the edge" of this all, and how little fun there is to be had around here.

Upsides were that I started getting along better with my coworker jets, that I went to the gym twice (after being sick), and that I have a renewed ability to learn kanji (but no patience for reading at all). also, late breaking, softbank is gonna buy vodafone's japanese operations, which means I'll get a little bit of the money I've been bleeding back.

now I'm on the front edge of another four day weekend, and I don't have a single thing planned between now and work on wednesday. It's not cool.

1/4 stars.

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