Tuesday, March 14, 2006

4 days later.

I took two days of vacation to have extra time to study, and wax philosophic through a four day weekend. Then on Friday I got sick. I spent almost all of my weekend wishing I could sniffle, but I had a sinus infection. Sniffling when you are properly swollen shut feels like trying to suck a milkshake through a straw with your nose.

I'm better now, so it's back to the gym. I don't remember if I made an entry to that effect or not, but according to all the medical and muscle tests under the sun, I'm 20% weaker than an average man my age.

I probably would have killed myself if I had gotten 20% below average on any other standardized test. I've spent most of my life in the 95th-99th percentile, when there were percentiles to be had. Now that my physical condition has been couched in those terms, I'm not gonna rest until I move well past that "average line".

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