Thursday, February 09, 2006

professor from the grave!

So law is on my mind. I thought maybe I should search the internet for the guy what taught me Phil of Law a couple years back... and I found him right away. He's got a blog at the first link under his name, two actually. One is about his premature child (who seems to be doing fine now), and the other is a bunch of conservative jibes. He doesn't seem like a crazy or anything, it's just off-putting to hear your philosophy of law professor sound really irked that we can't literally torture enemy combatants, and then suggest that a ban on torture renders them useless, such that they should just be killed deliberately if they surrender.

It's really strange to have to put a professor into the context of real life. Finding out that my gay english prof writes movie reviews for the Richmond, VA weekly "style", was likewise strange, though I couldn't help but agree with his reviews.


Anonymous said...


ネイット said...

yeah, I guess it's a good indicator of the lowered expectations of justice and freedom in america that I don't think him "a loony" in spite of that viewpoint.

Anonymous said...

you could write him a letter in which you renounce the credits you got for the Philosophy of Law class, explain why, then send the same letter to the school administration and the school newspaper. it's the only way i see to get around the warped expectations.