This is the front page of pitchfork right now, as they advertise tickets for their new years-ish party. It looks like a pretty happening show, and if I were chicagonian, I would be there, but what's with the design? Why is there an asian (maybe chinese?) woman's face cut into pieces? Mu won't be there, neither will deerhoof. As far as I can tell, the only asian women will be in the audience. Still, it's no different really than if it were a white woman, I guess, and I probably wouldn't make a blog entry about a white woman poster.
Lately america, at every social strata, thinks that asian (esp japanese) = cool. Whether it's anime, hentai anime, other japanese porn, green tea, modestly talented bands, sushi, j-girls/boys, fake japanese fashion (see gwen stefani), goofy internet clips, or lame tatoos, everyone wants in on the game.
How can I make money on this?
(also worth note, is that this design even without the face looks very au courrant japan)
to me it looks like a bad american undergraduate design homework. i can't pinpoint it exactly, but the little shapes coming out everywhere, and useeles letters and numbers attached on all sides look so familiar from college art department. really, that's all they do. i want futurism back, or whatever. and photoshop gone, because i think it's through photoshop that it becomes ok to just pass shitty cut-and-paste as design.
there was an article on another part of pitchfork yesterday where someone said in passing/jest that photoshop killed album cover design. Maybe it killed concert poster design too.
that's funny.
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