Friday, January 18, 2008

BBC: "people who are good at stuff are gay"

I took this test.

And it tells me that my brain is gender neutral. I scored horribly low on the empathizing scale (a puportedly masculine thing), and showed a preference for female faces (also masculine).

But! I did pretty well on all the ability tests, and half of them are supposed to be men's forte, half women's. Evidently being skilled with words, and being good at "spot the difference" puzzles gets you labeled a chick(-like thinker), regardless of how unempathetic you are.

also, my ring finger seems to be unmasculine in length...

So here's my plan. I'm going to start failing to notice changes in the world around me, I start to not writng very goodly, and get my ring finger removed. That'll drive the ladies up a tree... of LUST!
Also, it can never hurt to be less empathetic. (Your problems are your fault! and you smell)

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