Friday, July 20, 2007

2 beefs. or something fucking sucks in denmark.

"Babel" is not good. I think I can see why some people think it is, but it's not deep or profound, or any of that. It's just a 2 hour slog through people on the brink. My thought is that if you're going to go that route, you're gonna have to make us care about the movie or the characters before you start having them swept up in circumstances.
It felt like I was expected to enjoy the movie for changing the backdrop of a melodramtic soap opera. The Japan vignette wasn't bad tho.

anyway, beef number two is [redacted]

beef 2 is personal demons I have to slay one way or another.

Friday, July 13, 2007

all this time and all this money...

and no time and money to spend it!

Last week I made that list of things that I no longer really give a shit about. But now I got more shit to give than ever before! and I just don't know what to do with myself. So, in hopes of inspiring myself, here are a couple of things that I do care about (order intentionally incorrect).

my skin
my style
my health
learning to do things I can't now
my job
my apartment

italics indicate things I didnt care about two years ago.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

a formerly important idea.

I'm stuck at home with the revenge of my last cold. It infiltrated my lungs, and is still romping around in whatever part of me it is that makes my legs, lower back and shoulders sore. I have just about enough energy to start cleaning something up, and get tired and frustrated at the size of the project before getting back into bed.

so of course I have the energy to be reflective at my blog!

I started this blog well over two years ago, and since then, lots and lots has changed. Here are some things that used to mean a lot to me that don't anymore:

the market theory of labor
video games
the categorical imperative
covering my hairy legs
being able to style my hair in under 2 minutes
liking music that other people don't
speaking better Japanese than other foreigners
one piece
witty t-shirts
being 100% honest all the time

Thursday, July 05, 2007

sell out young, enjoy the rest of your life.

Today I had a really good day, and for the most mundane and vaguely pathetic reason. I was finally allowed to work. For the first time since school, I had a chance to feel like I was doing something that needed doing, and that I was uniquely qualified to do.

And I got a free sandwich for it!

The thing is, I started my new job on Monday, and a series of factors have made the first few days of my new job something of a drag. I hear that everyone goes through this stuff, but it's kind of humiliating being watched by a room full of people all day long while I try to look busy... despite being intentionally kept far away from work.

But tomorrow's supposed to be the last day of that stuff. Then I can get training from people who know what my job is.

Incidentally, I think they are sort of disappointed in my spoken Japanese. Hell, I would be. I've never been able to speak more than a few words before being interrupted. But on the bright side, I've seen papers, and heard conversations floating around that they are potentially contracting a teacher to get me some instruction in Japanese business language and etiquette. Maybe that can be the payback for the awkward week they've given me.... though payday will be a pretty good payback in itself.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Hey, I started my new job! And it feels like I got the benefit of some strange timeslip!

I've got two paydays this month, one from each job, and because my payday has moved to the other side of my rent's due date, I don't have to pay any bills on the last paycheck! instant savings totals about $2800.

However, it's pretty clear that I'm about to have a hell of a lot less free time. For now, the tradeoff is a no brainer. If I had free time, the best way to use it would be to study Japanese, and now I'm getting paid to do essentially that. And while, I hate to say it, I don't even have the time to waste the extra money I'm earning. I fear I won't always be able to be so positive about it though.