Friday, December 29, 2006

the country to worry about: america

I ran into this magazine while I was buying my new keitai. The cover story (with excellent cover photo) is about the most "worrying" country: America. A quick perusal of the story was pretty surprising. It was about fundamentalist christians, aimless wars, guns, drugs, prisons, etc. In short, it was like the Euro media.
Except unlike the Euro media, it was published in Japanese. Most discussions of America in this country center on bringing closer ties to the two countries, and how best to clean the underside of the American boot stomping on a face forever (with your tongue). This one was actually the story about my country that I know, the one that most of us middle class expats know. And it's really heartening to see this kind of media, because it feels like a sign that, at long last, Japan gets it. (I don't really read enough Japanese media for adults. It could be that I'm only just happening onto this well-established story.)

Speaking of getting it though, how about that America when it talks about Japan? They can't tell fact from fiction, can't tell extreme from mundane, can't tell when you're being sarcastic... They constantly talk about the news stories that would have been on japanese boing boing 10 years ago if such a thing existed. And then they laugh their barroom laughs about this backward country full of soulless people. Idiots.

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