Tuesday, October 04, 2005


You know they don't really yank out tonsils anymore? I spent a lot of time looking in the mirror at mine, and at pictures of other people's on the internet, and something fishy's going on with mine. (Yeah, what else are you gonna do when you're sick, study?) I really wish I could just be rid of the fuckers, but alas. Maybe after I get a couple more strepp throats this year...

Anyway, even if the terrible inattentive doctors of this country don't give a fudge why I've had a temperature of 104 four seperate times and have been hooked up to an IV five times with severe strep throat this year, at least I've got my boss. This is the care package he brought me this morning, on hearing that I was staying home sick.

I gobbled it all up quickly and gratefully... except the vegetable juice. Nice try.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that looks very caring. i'm sorry to hear that you are sick. may i recommend ginger tea and honey?