Tuesday, October 25, 2005

keimeisha ga tsumugu chuugakkounyuusiki nihon no rekishi can kiss my ass

I'm not having good luck with reading materials. The book I bought about a year ago for practice and maybe a little insight into japanese history is crap. It's a cram book for middle school entry tests, and it's just packed with ridiculous amounts of worthless vocabulary and minute details about the names given to specific offices in royal administrations from 643-705, and the names of the people that held the office. It reads a lot like that genre of spam where all the nouns in an innocuous piece of text have been replaced by 4 or 5 syllable nonsense... at least it does if you aren't already well versed in japanese history.

To hell with this one. Need to find a new book now.

By the way, there are laws in japan that say that a new book can't be sold at a discount price without very specific exemptions. I saw on the news recently that the Japan's first discount bookstore opened last month. I think they found something like the gun show loophole in the discount book laws.

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