Wednesday, July 09, 2014

milemarker addendum

In the last few days, the idea of reintegrating my various online selves has seemed tempting.

But for the most part, I'd been thinking about my reddit persona, my twitter persona and my "ostensibly real" facebook persona.

Each of those are modern social-networking identities, that communicate with the intention of interacting, rather than just blogging out ideas, unilaterally.

This blog identity is a lot older than the other three, and especially before 2007, revels in ideas.

Not sure if and when it will really make sense to reconcile them all--beyond of course, in me, the existing human dude.

Part of me worries that I will actually be interested in pursuing politics in some capacity in the future, and that having all of the ill advised things I said in anonymized persona linked to a public persona could be bad news.

But really, I should be working on taking pictures of the ephemera of my Japan decade to sell them to strangers.

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