Wednesday, March 08, 2006

why ladies love conservatives

This is from the national review online (conservative internet headquarters). It's in regards to international women's day, and whom the individual authors would like to honor.

"Anne Corkery

Hillary was once described as "brittle." Funny, but I always figured the ideal woman would be soft — soft and friendly and understanding. One of the greatest women I have ever known was Joan Prince. She never really had a career, yet that didn't stop her from being a great force for the good. She would give of herself generously in every relationship, so that everyone felt they were her closest, dearest friend. The love she had for others was infectious. "Don't you just love Beth?" she would ask. And you'd decide that you did, even if you hadn't really thought about it before. She admired her husband so much, we couldn't help but think of him as some sort of hero.

She literally gave her life for her children. She found out she had breast cancer during one of her pregnancies, and when the doctor told her euphemistically that he needed to "interrupt" the pregnancy, she jokingly asked him when she could resume it. As her precious body nourished her unborn baby, it also allowed the cancer to flourish.

She spent the last days of her life writing soft, feminine, intelligent advice to her girls. "Always wear skirts if you can because men love it." "Smile when you don't know what to say." "Always remember, I'll be your angel watching you from heaven."

Ann M. Corkery has served as a representative to the United Nations at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations."

I have the feeling that all the liberal acolytes of femininity (like momus) don't really think this "ideal" is related to the one they favor... but it's like saying "I love 79, but 82 is way way too much". What begins with pink and flowery clothes leads quickly to different moral ideals, to seperate moral standards, to different worth as individuals.
Sure, I like sweet-smellin' soft ladies as much as anyone, but deliberately limiting folks' possibilities on account of their gender (despite it's ubiquity in the world) is the worst.

ps. Men like skirts because they like vaginas, and want unrestriced access to them at all times.

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